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Online published student fees are valid through Super Early Bird 2025 enrollment. Fees are subject to change; contact Interact to receive your group's confirmation checklist which includes your group's student fee.

Student fee is based on mid-week travel with a minimum, total combined group size of 20 for programs operating in GUATEMALA AND BELIZE. A small group supplement may apply if fewer.

DAY ONE - Arrival Antigua
Greetings by Interact's Foreign Representative in the Guatemala International airport lobby. Transfer to your centrally located Antigua hotel. Homestay groups meet the Director at Tecun Uman Language School.

HOST FAMILIES are interviewed, selected and monitored by Tecun Uman Language School, founded in 1983. The school serves as the central meeting point and social center for scheduled activities. Middle-class homes are within walking distance although a few students prefer safe, shared private taxis. Everyone speaks Spanish in the home.

DAY TWO -Guided Tour, Shopping, & Salsa
Antigua is a cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city is regarded as a cultural gem because of its rare beauty, vibrant culture, and historical significance. Antigua is a captivating small town that makes you feel time might have stopped some 300 years ago. It's famous for its spring-like climate, cobblestone streets, impressive ruins and is renowned for its tranquility and friendliness.

Meet the local guide for your guided walking tour of the Centro Historico and orientation to the craft bargaining market, featuring over 200 vendors. Later, meet at Tecun Uman for your salsa

DAY THREE - Coffee / SOMOS humanitarian
Visit to the Centro Cultural Azotea coffee plantation, and Maya musical instruments and traditional textiles museum. Following lunch, participate in our exclusive SOMOS humanitarian total experience. You'll receive a list of the most needed items and visit a local "super", where you'll purchase those items (budget $15 each). Complete your SOMOS experience as you interact with the children while playing games or working on the designated project.

DAY FOUR - Pacaya Volcano
Panoramic drive to Pacaya. This iconic hike is considered moderate to advanced moderate. Be prepared by bringing a waterproof warm jacket, gloves, and hiking shoes. Walking sticks can be rented, under $2, at the entrance. Once you reach the plateau, enjoy the exhilarating views and try your luck roasting a few marshmallows.

DAY FIVE - Monterrico Beach
Sit back and enjoy a scenic drive to Monterrico, considered the best beach on Guatemala's Pacific coast. Relax at the nicest hotel in this region, UTZ-TZABA. You have access to the dressing rooms, swimming pool, and restrooms. Lunch is served at the hotel. The black volcanic sand beach stretches for miles and miles. Swimming is not recommended unless you are a strong experienced swimmer. Pack sunscreen, wide-brimmed hat, and beach towel. Iced purified water, sodas, and snacks are available for purchase.

DAY SIX - Tikal Tour
Early morning transfer to the International Airport for your nonstop jet flight to Flores. Transfer to the Tikal National Park where you'll stay at a jungle lodge located a short distance from Tikal's main entrance. Many call Tikal one of the most spiritually powerful spots on earth. The monumental site with its towering pyramids looms out of the thick jungle canopy like stoic sentinels of ancient mysteries. Explore Tikal under the guidance of a specialized local guide. Return to your lodge for resting, swimming or visiting one of the nearby archaeological museums.

DAY SEVEN - Guatemala City
Optional Sunrise and/or Zipline

Sleep in and relax at the lodge until your airport transfer. Or,select a popular prepaid option.

Option (not included): Witness a mystical Tikal jungle sunrise from the top of one of the temples. ($35)

Option (not included): Visit Ixpanpajul National Park, where the Maya civilization originated. Follow your guide along six suspension bridges that stretch over the jungle canopy. Then, experience the 1.5- hour zipline tour. You'll shoot around nine platforms in this crossed-cable system that winds through the tallest trees. ($125)

Take a nonstop jet flight and spend your final evening in a popular tourist- zone hotel, located near the popular Proceres mall and cinema. Dinner is on your own.

DAY EIGHT - Return to the United States

8 days/7 nights
Antigua Hotel/Homestay
Tikal Jungle Lodge
Tourist zone hotel

Daily breakfast and lunch or dinner.
Homestay families provide full board